
favorite things to do together

I have a very special get-to-know-you questionaire that I have my couples fill out before we do an engagement session. It helps me to find out more about them as individuals and as a couple so that we can come up with a perfect location for their portraits and I can be more connected to them for their wedding. It helps to be more like a good old friend when I come to the wedding, than just someone that has a big old camera pointed at them for the entire day :)
I thought it might be fun to let all of you blog readers get to know me and my awesome hubby, Heath, a little better and answer some of these questions about ourselves. So, here is the first question:

What are your 3 favorite things to do together as a couple?

1) We love to go out to eat.
I'm not talking Mickey D's, although that would be our kiddo's first choice, we like to go someplace nice and romantic with dim lights and a quiet atmosphere. That doesn't happen all to often, but on occasion we get out by ourselves and enjoy adult conversation :) We most recently were so lucky as to enjoy fine dining at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse here in Houston It was absolutely delicious and everyone should go there at least once!

2) We love to snuggle up after the kids go to bed and watch a movie together.
This often involves one of our guilty pleasures, Cold Stone Ice Cream. You have got to try them out and get a Mud Pie Mojo with chocolate ice cream instead of the coffee. It is our favorite!

3) We love playing games together. Some of our favorites to play with just the two of us are: Backgammon, Yahtzee and Jenga. Here is an old shot of us that my roommate took in college of Heath and I playing Jenga together when we were dating.

There ya go, a few of our faves. Leave me a comment and tell us about some of yours.

1 comment:

Lisah said...

Amy... I love that picture because I TOOK IT!!!!